


Tue May  7 09:45:14 AM CDT 2024

Sleep has been evading me...but not so much that I can not see the world for what is actually its state of affairs. We are in trouble as a species.  Humans as the top tier being on the planet should be in a state of perpetual advancement.  However, this is not the case on planet earth. The humans here are not advancing.  In the name of political correctness and wokeness, the planet is degrading. The only solution is for the world to descend into absolute chaos and begin the apocalpyse.  Then we can start over again.

Sun Apr 21 12:35:51 PM CDT 2024

Being a troll is sort of my alternate ego.  I dont know why but I love to make comments that purposely point to the opposite view of my own. I guess it causes me to think in the other sides perspective. That is good for helping you and others open their minds to another way of thinking.  Most of the time, for me... it just makes me see how stupid is the opposing argument.  Speaking of stupid, there seems to be alot of people that arent fit to make decisions. Just thinking that these people are voters astonishes me. I guess you can say that is the reason that the country is in the situation that it is currently.  Maybe, these voters are trolls as well.

Wed Apr  3 06:10:23 AM CDT 2024

I been playing with the Flipper Zero lately.  Its a fun little toy that could be used to good or evil.  I choose to use for good 😉.  So, I got an ESP8266 and put it on the breadboard to get it going.  Troubleshooted it so that I can import the configuration onto a develepment board.  I should be doing that sometime this week.  Ive also been working on a board with 3 different chipsets (ESP 32, CC1101, and NRF24).  This is a fun one to play with because it does alot of fun things.  Here is a pic.  Well, I guess thats all I have to say for right now.  I just wanted to drop a couple lines and let everyone know that im still here... and still kicking.


Thu Mar 28 11:24:26 PM CDT 2024

I ordered a ESP8266 Dev Board with an oled display for $5.  I figured that I would go online and find some cool, interesting, and pointless code to flash onto the device as something for me to play with and possibly learn something.  Then I started reading the documentation.  It turns out that there is an endless supply of information on these chipsets and a whole community behind it.  I been falling down this rabbit hole trying to sponge as much knowledge about this as possible and I just keep finding more and more about it.  Its possible that this is the future. So, you might want to head over to read the whitepaper.  Click this link to learn more Whitepaper ESP8266 .   Now you can head down the rabbit hole with me.

Sat Mar 16 01:11:58 AM CDT 2024

All this week, I have been late getting out of the work parking lot. I've noticed that there is something stopping the flow of vehicles in the parking lot. 7,000 people work on campus which makes getting out of the parking lot in the first few minutes as a chance to save 30 minutes to 1 hour in traffic. Well, Ive noticed a vehicle with U.S. Goverment plates in the parking lot at exactly the time that we get off of work.  Every night this vehicle makes it to the first intersection to the road and then sits. This car waits approximately 5 minutes blocking the flow of traffic and thereby placing  the rest of us in the management parking lot in the traffic with the rest of the workers because whomever is not aggressive enough to drive during the pedestrian breaks walking to their cars. The real question is...Who the hell are these driving deficient goverment buerocrats?  Its obvious they arent not enforcement agents.  They drive too cautious for someone to have arrest powers.  All week as I walk to my vehicle, I would notice these guys in the parking lot leaving and then stopping at the intersection and I would make comments to my friends inquiring how these people manage to get out of the campus before we do.  All I can say is, Stay Tuned as we uncover the truth behind the goverment bean counters who are screwing up traffic for the rest of us!

Wed Mar 13 07:41:46 AM CDT 2024

I love to mess with people.  Its in my nature. Im a natural satire comedian (or atleast I like to think so).  Which brings me to my latest escapade. There was recently a YouTuber who had made a video involving me during the everyday operations of my anonymous dealing on Tor. This made me interested in his YouTube channel. After a couple videos, I started to enjoy his content. This basically means that I must "wudupa" the poor fellow. He must be "Washed Up, Dried Up, and Put Away" or "wudupa" for short.   So, I sent the guy a nice email containing his personal data just to get his attention and then to mess with him.  Im going to give him time to process and respond.  I havent had much luck with YouTubers responding.  I think they tell each other not to respond to crazy emails. Luckily that never stopped Terry Davis...RIP.

Thu Mar  7 08:56:04 AM CST 2024

I added my public key incase I needed to ever give it to someone and didnt have it readily available.  I can always go to my website, navigate my way to the key page, cut it, and send it in an email or through a messenger app.  I guess its nice to have a website  or a place where you can use for things just like this. Even the better tor websites like archetyp have wesbites on the clearnet. It serves as a way to get to the onion address. So, you would go to archetype.cc and then you would know where the onion address is located. It just makes good sense.

Sat Mar  2 08:33:02 AM CST 2024

What an eventful week!  Bitcoin has risen greatly this week, followed by numerous other crypto currencies. Monero dropped upon the binance exchange announcement that they will no longer support the coin.  This made people scared and scramble to sell.  Then I guess the rest of us simply picked up the slack by "buying the dip".  XMR went from 160 down to 99 and now sitting strong at 144. It seems like you can just throw a rock and hit a crypto that has made money this week. There are also many new shit coins that are coming out with great mining possibilities for those who are tech savvy enough to take advantage of it. Kaspa is one that comes to mind when thinking about the latest and greatest to mine.  Kaspa coins can be collected in Solana. Solana is also up this week.  Some have attributed the rise in the crypto to institutions like Black Rock buying large holdings in BTC.  I for one cant wait to see what next week has in store and for the inevitable rug pull to follow.

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